Inline Classes
Use inline classes to seamlessly style text and other elements, overriding native styles.
Use .caption to style text as a caption. This makes the text lighter, gray, and smaller.
Some text to help display a caption
<p class="caption">Some text to help display a caption</p>
Use .edit on any text element to color the text red. Note: This is used to leave notes for others and will be removed prior to cloning.
Some text to help display an edit note.
<p class="edit">Some text to help display an edit note.</p>
Font Sizes
Use .font-size-h3 to convert any text to the native size of our heading-3.
Use .font-size-h4 to convert any text to the native size of our heading-4.
Some heading
Some heading
<h2 class="font-size-h3">Some heading</h2>
<h3 class="font-size-h4">Some heading</h3>
Use .highlight to give a background color to your text, similar to highlighting text, to any word or group of words.
<span className="highlight">Some highlighted text.</span>
Use .label to create a badge-like icon using any text.
<label class="label label-default">Default label</label>
<label class="label label-muted">Muted label</label>
Add .lead to any paragraph element to make its text slightly larger. Use sparingly, lead paragraphs are great for introductory paragraphs but lose their magic if they are overused.
Some text to help display a lead paragraph.
<p class="lead">Some text to help display a lead paragraph.</p>
Add .monospace to any text element to create monospaced text. Note: Changes the text's font.
Some monospaced text.
<p class="monospace">Some monospaced text.</p>